Welcome to the Westchester County Airport Noise Abatement office. We want to be sure the airport is a good neighbor, and your input will help us to achieve that goal.
Please use the following form to report a noise or odor complaint for Westchester County Airport (HPN). Alternatively, you can leave a voice message at the Complaint Hotline at (914) 939-8484. Please provide as much detail as possible to help the noise management staff investigate the issue.
Disclaimer: Information given through this web site will be used solely by the airport noise management office. Your name and address is secured and no information will be given or sold to any third party.
For proper processing, please limit only one noise complaint event per form.
We have instituted a policy that limits the number of complaint responses to 50 per household address per month that will be investigated and responded to. Such responses include investigation, copies of complaints, and flight track maps sent out. Complaints over the 50 mark per month will still be accepted and recorded, but not responded to.
Please note, we will not investigate anonymous complaints.